“This movie had me tense throughout” “sleepless nights”
“terrifying” “one of the best horrors I have ever seen”
Above – The stunning Molly Queen.
Interview Questions
How was it to play the role
of Penelope? “It was fun and frightening, I wanted to try a different style of
acting. I loved playing Penelope she was quite a unique character to play but I
had a lot of fun! “Have you watched
it? “Of course I have watched it! “Did you find it scary or unusual to watch yourself? “Yes although I
knew a lot of how thing where done it still completely scared the sock off, of
me and I found it rather weird to be scared by myself “What was it like getting makeup done every day to produce the
character of Penelope? “At first I loved it and found it exciting, but then after the 20th
time of them touching up and fixing my makeup it became stressful and an
annoyance but the outcome was always outstanding! “Would you act in a horror again? “Defiantly maybe
not straight away as I have a few movies coming up that I will be working on
but I wouldn’t rule it out!”
stills from the movie
If you’re looking for a real frightening horror look no further
Penelope is a must see!
The movie is about a pot doll that turns into a girl
(sounds cheesy I know) this movie isn’t as boring as it seems it is jumpy,
tense, beyond scary and everything you could look for in a movie. A family move
to a new house when suddenly nothings what it seems when they have moved into
Penelope’s house she isn’t interested in a tea party but more of a blood bath